Download: All You Need to Know About NPS 3.0®

Increase customer loyalty: All you need to know about NPS 3.0 | Ennova

This memo "Net Promoter 3.0® – Inspiration from Fred Reichheld" gives you insight into the new approach on how to work with NPS based on the approach from Fred Reichheld. NPS 3.0® is about Big and Small NPS. But what does that mean? And how should you work – and not work - with NPS 3.0® in your organization? Download the memo and find out. 


Download the Memo and Get Insight Into:  

  • An introduction to Fred Reichheld’s approach as the founder of NPS.
  • What is NPS 3.0®  
  • What is Small vs. Big NPS.
  • How to use NPS 3.0® in your organization.
  • Use The Golden Rule to become a NPS winner. 

Fred Reichheld is the man behind NPS. In his latest book "Winning on Purpose – the unbeatable strategy of loving customers" he presents a novel approach to NPS. 

Net Promoter 3.0 - inspiration from Fred Reichheld

He differentiates between Big NPS and Small NPS. With this memo you get to know why it is critical and problematic for your organization if you only do the Small NPS. If you want to do real NPS – the Big NPS – it is not enough to only use the NPS metric. 

Doing real NPS – the NPS 3.0® - starts with your purpose. And as an organization your purpose is to service your customers. Fred Reichheld presents compelling evidence in the link between financial performance and the quality of the customer experience.


Are you One of the NPS Winners?

Have you ever heard about The Golden Rule? If your organization lives by the principle of Golden Rule treatment, Fred argues that you will become an NPS winner – because then you are able to make your customers want to return and their will probably bring along their friends. 
In the memo you get Fred’s checklist of seven things you must do as an organization to live The Golden Rule.

Fred is devoted to the idea of customer loyalty. Earning their loyalty should be the guiding start for your business. To him, this is the best way to succeed.

By the way - if you think all of this is interesting, you can also choose to listen and see instead of reading about NPS 3.0® with our 45-minute webinar “How to use NPS 3.0® to drive a successful business”.

Both the memo and the webinar are in English. 

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