How to Master the Employee Experience?

How to Master the Employee Experience?

The book “Mastering Employee Experience – 16 specific steps to take in your EX transformation” gives HR and top management 16 specific initiatives for implementing a transformation of employee experience over a 3-year period. Download your free book extract here. 

How high on the strategic agenda are the employees in your organization actually – if you really think about it?

The book “Mastering Employee Experience” asks this question because, even though most people agree that employees are critical to the success of the organization, only a minority of companies actually prioritize employee experience at the very top of the strategic agenda. The often-used expression “employees are our most important asset” frequently becomes a kind of self-delusion. Download a free extract of the book "Mastering Employee Experience".


- Søren Smit, main author and business development director at Ennova.



Focus of the book:

    1. Establishment of the strategic frameworks for EX – ensure that top management is involved, establish your financial “WHY”, create an EX organization and build a strong EX vision.
    2. Establishment of a data-driven culture – generate frequent insights into the experiences across the entire employee journey based on multiple data sources, perform next-generation analyses, create an EX language and support action.
    3. Implementation of brand-new way to work – which is based on an understanding of experience, design sprint, journey mapping and technological support.
    4. The transformation of the employee experience – get the ball rolling, revitalize the main journeys, involve the entire organization and personify the experiences.

Employee experience is a complex discipline to master. Many talk about it, but few companies have started working with it. Therefore, the book gives HR and top management 16 specific initiatives for implementing a transformation of employee experience over a 3-year period. This is strongly inspired by the successful customer experience transformations which were carried out over the last 5-10 years.


The employee experience affects the top and bottom line in 8 different dimensions 

The book will help you gain insight into how the employee experience area affects your daily top and bottom line across several different parameters – from sickness absence and resignations to better innovation, willingness to change, customer experience and sales. Neglecting your employees is costly on your top and bottom line. 

Just 1/5 of the companies have specifically included employee experience as one of their top 3 strategic priorities, but the organizations need to change this if they want to enjoy continued success on the market. This would also mean more planned rather than random employee experiences across the employee journey through the organization.

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